These epic Intensives are for people who are ready to begin, deepen, and commit to a relationship with Traditional Archery, and the Bow and Arrow. This is an opportunity to dive into the basics and fundamentals of Traditional Archery, Instinctive Shooting, and the Zen of Archery.

Women’s Intensives are limited to 7 participants.

Co-ed Intensive is limited to 24 participants.

Each Intensive we will meet-up for a long weekend campout on an incredibly beautiful and very private 1640-acre forest preserve in Sonoma County. Having the opportunity to be together on such potent land adds a profound element to the Intensive. It allows each of us to deepen our connection with nature, with ourselves, with our senses and instincts, and to more effortlessly tune in to flow state and stillness.

What you will attain:

•Solid and consistent Traditional Archery form

•Grow confidence in Instinctive Shooting

•Build a relationship with the Bow and Arrow

•Practice the Zen of Archery by dropping into one pointed focus

•Gain more body awareness through strength and mobility exercises

There are two participation options (for women) available in regards to the Intensives.

  1. Those looking to begin a relationship with Archery or take their practice to another level can attend One Weekend out of any of the Spring or Fall date options.
  2. The alternative is for those who are ready to take a deeper dive and make a bigger commitment to their Archery relationship, beginner or not, and attend as many weekends of the Fall series of Intensives.

For those interested in attending a One-Weekend Intensive, please read what the 1st session includes under the Multi-Month Intensive breakdown.